Is your company suffering from cultural depression? Did you know that creating Interpersonal Leaders and Systems is the solution to this terrible "disease"?
Angela Grace and I will be at this inspiring event with a booth for our Crimson Crane Consulting business. Come and network and talk to us about how secure, authentic relating skills are the solution to cultural depression.
Your company or work-place might be suffering from cultural depression if…
*People don’t smile or take care of each other at work
*People are terrified of making mistakes or asking for their needs to be met
*Large numbers of employees have anxiety, depression or adrenal fatigue (emotional labour is high)
*Millennials and/or women don’t want to work for you
*People feel as though work ought to be grueling, AKA
"work is just that: hard work".
*People don’t feel like they can keep up (but leadership thinks they are lazy)
*Employees feel “lost in the crowd” as the company grows
*Most people are just planning for their next job; they can't imagine having long-term alluring goals in this context
*Turnover is above industry healthy standards
*Disengagement is high and apathy is the norm
*Sick day numbers are high
*Your Net Promoter Scores are low
*You have “accidental culture”; you never engineered a purposeful culture of norms and organizational systems tailored to your industry, business size and employee demographics
The cost of not creating purposeful culture and relational leaders is very high: financially and emotionally. Employee turnover alone can cost a business up to 200% of a person's annual salary. And cultural depression spreads to the intimate partners and children of employees, sometimes contributing to attachment disorders and even depression or toxic atmospheres for the family itself.
Did you know that creating Relational Leaders and Systems is the solution to this terrible "disease"? The culture that creates efficacious Leadership is being forced to change for this modern era. And it comes down to the very same tools that create healthy and inspiring relationships, no matter who you are relating to.
Angela Grace and I will be at this inspiring event: International Women's Day with a booth for our Crimson Crane Consulting business. Come and network and talk to us about how secure, authentic relating skills are the solution to cultural depression.